Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last Time at Oak Plantation

We have an appointment tomorrow and on Saturday we will be leaving Oak Plantation Campground and going to Buck Hall Recreation Center where there is no laundromat.  So today I knew I had better do the wash.

We ran errands in the morning and then after lunch I asked Kirby to help me take the bags of dirty clothes over.  It is close and we can walk but I couldn't carry it all.  He was in the middle of taxes and asked for a few more minutes.  In that few minutes the same lady as last week showed up at the laundromat (I can see it from my RV).  I know she leaves and doesn't come back very soon.  So we decided to wait a few more minutes and darned if someone else didn't show up so I missed my opportunity!

Kirby had an appointment today also (for a massage!) so he helped me out and then left.  I finally got it all going in 3 machines and there was only one washer ahead of me now for the 2 dryers.  Her load was about finished so I gave her extra time and then went to put my wash in the dryers only to find out that she had feed lots and lots of quarters into her dryer and left for an hour to an hour and a half!  More waiting.

So - laundry took extra time today!  And when I did finally finish, Kirby was still gone so I had to make two trips carrying all the nice clean clothes.  Not an exciting story - just what happens when you use a laundromat!